When You Lock Your Keys in the Car: Expert Tips and Solutions

If you lock your keys in the car, you have options such as calling a locksmith, tow service, your dealer, a family member with a spare key, or utilizing roadside assistance through your insurer. However, there are also DIY methods you can try, such as using a wire if the car window is slightly opened or pulling the door handle if it’s not locked properly.

It’s important to remain calm and assess your available resources to quickly address the situation. Additionally, leaving your keys in the ignition or accidentally locking them inside can have consequences such as draining the battery or potential theft, so it’s best to take immediate action.

What To Do When You Lock Your Keys In The Car

If you find yourself locked out of your car, there are several options you can consider. You can call a locksmith, a tow service, your car dealer, a family member with a spare key, or even roadside assistance through your insurance provider.

When You Lock Your Keys in the Car
What to Do When You Lock Your Keys in the Car
Call a non-emergency police line
If you find yourself in a situation where you have locked your keys inside your car, there are a few options you can consider to regain access. One option is to call a non-emergency police line. In some cases, the police may be able to assist you in unlocking your car using special tools. Another option is to try using a wire to unlock the car window. If the window is slightly opened, you can carefully insert a wire and manipulate the lock to open the door. Additionally, you can try using a screwdriver and metal rod to unlock the car door. By carefully inserting the screwdriver into the door frame and using the rod to manipulate the lock, you may be able to unlock the car and retrieve your keys. Whichever method you choose, it is important to proceed with caution and avoid damaging your vehicle.

Getting Professional Help

If you find yourself locked out of your car with your keys inside, there are several options available to you. You can call a locksmith, a tow service, your dealer, a family member with a spare key, or even roadside assistance through your insurer.

There is no need to panic, as professional help is just a phone call away.

Hiring a locksmith By hiring a locksmith, you can get professional assistance to unlock your car when you have locked your keys inside. Locksmiths have the expertise and tools to safely and efficiently open your car without causing any damage. They can be contacted through their emergency hotline and are available round the clock to help you in such situations.
Contacting a tow service If you are unable to locate a locksmith or need immediate assistance, you can contact a tow service. They can send a professional to your location who can either unlock your car or tow it to a nearby service center for further assistance.
Reaching out to your car dealer Your car dealer can also provide assistance in unlocking your car. They may have the necessary tools or contacts with locksmiths who can help you in such situations.
Utilizing roadside assistance through your insurance provider If you have roadside assistance coverage included in your car insurance policy, you can utilize this service to unlock your car. Contact your insurance provider’s helpline and request roadside assistance. They will send a professional to assist you with unlocking your car.

Preventing And Dealing With Lockouts

If you find yourself locked out of your car with your keys inside, there are several options you can consider. These include calling a locksmith, a tow service, your dealer, a family member with a spare key, or even roadside assistance through your insurer.

With various solutions available, you can quickly and easily regain access to your vehicle.

Preventing and Dealing with Lockouts
There’s nothing more frustrating than locking your keys inside your car. However, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening and solutions to get you back on the road when it does.

Keeping a spare key with a trusted family member: One of the easiest ways to avoid lockouts is to have a spare key kept by a trusted family member or friend. This way, if you ever find yourself locked out, you can simply call them to bring the spare key to you.

Exploring keyless entry options: Another option is to invest in keyless entry systems. These systems allow you to lock and unlock your car without a traditional key, reducing the chances of accidentally locking them inside.

Implementing a routine to double-check for keys before locking the car: Before leaving your car, make it a habit to double-check that you have your keys with you. Establishing this routine can help you avoid lockouts in the first place.

By following these preventive measures and having a backup plan, you can minimize the hassle of locking your keys inside your car. Remember to stay calm and contact the appropriate services, such as a locksmith or roadside assistance, if you do find yourself locked out.

Frequently Asked Questions Of When You Lock Your Keys In The Car

How Do You Unlock A Car With Keys Inside?

To unlock a car with keys inside, you have several options. You can call a locksmith, tow service, your dealer, a family member with a spare key, or even roadside assistance through your insurer. Alternatively, you can try unlocking the door by pulling the handle or using a wire if the car window is slightly opened.

It’s best to avoid calling a locksmith and instead call the non-emergency police line for assistance.

Does A Car Lock If You Leave The Keys Inside?

Yes, a car can lock if you leave the keys inside. In most cars, if you exit without touching any locks, the car will remain unlocked. However, if you accidentally lock the car with the keys inside, you may need to call a locksmith, tow service, your dealer, a family member with a spare key, or roadside assistance for help.

What Happens If You Leave Your Keys In The Ignition?

Leaving your keys in the ignition can have various consequences. Some cars may slowly drain the battery, making it difficult to start the car next time. It also poses a security risk as someone could easily steal the car if they gain access to your garage.

Contacting a locksmith, tow service, dealer, family member with a spare key, or your insurer’s roadside assistance can help you regain access to your vehicle.

How Do You Break In Your Own Car?

When you lock your keys in the car, you have several options. You can call a locksmith, tow service, your dealer, a family member with a spare key, or roadside assistance through your insurer. Alternatively, you can try unlocking the car door by pulling the handle or using a wire if the window is slightly open.

Consider calling the non-emergency police line or seeking help from online communities for advice.


When you lock your keys in the car, it can be a frustrating and stressful situation. However, there are several options available to help you get back into your car quickly and safely. You can call a locksmith, tow service, your dealer, a family member with a spare key, or even roadside assistance through your insurer.

Additionally, if you have a screwdriver and a metal rod, you can try to unlock your car door yourself. Remember to stay calm, assess your options, and choose the best solution for your situation.

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